Police 10 Codes
APCO-0 Version

The APCO-0 ten code set is an early version
of the Association of Police Communications
Officers code and still widely used.

0 - 9
10-0 Use Caution
10-1 Signal Weak
10-2 Signal Good
10-3 Stop Transmitting
10-4 Affirmative (OK)
10-5 Relay To/From
10-6 Busy
10-7 Out of Service
10-8 In Service
10-9 Say Again
10 - 19
10-10 Negative
10-11 ___ On Duty (Employee Number)
10-12 Stand By (Stop)
10-13 Weather Conditions
10-14 Message / Information
10-15 Message Delivered
10-16 Reply to Message
10-17 Enroute
10-18 Urgent
10-19 (In) Contact
20 - 29
10-20 Location
10-21 Call ___ by Phone
10-22 Disregard
10-23 Arrived at Scene
10-24 Assignment Completed
10-25 Report to (Meet)
10-26 Estimated Arrival Time (ETA)
10-27 License / Permit Information
10-28 Vehicle Information
10-29 Records Check
20 - 29
10-30 Danger / Caution
10-31 Pick Up
10-32 ___Units Needed (Specify)
10-33 Need Immediate Assistance
10-34 Current Time
40 - 49
10-40 Fight in Progress
10-41 Beginning Tour of Duty
10-42 Ending Tour of Duty
10-43 In Pursuit
10-44 Riot
10-45 Bomb Threat
10-46 Bank Alarm
10-47 Complete Assignment Quickly
10-48 Detaining Suspect, Expedite
10-49 Drag Racing
55 - 59
10-50 Vehicle Accident
F -Fire,
PI - Personal Injury,
PD - Property Damage.
10-51 Dispatch Tow Truck
10-52 Dispatch Ambulance
10-53 Road Blocked
10-54 Hit and Run Accident
F - Fire,
PI - Personal Injury,
PD - Property Damage.
10-55 Intoxicated Driver
10-56 Intoxicated Pedestrian
10-57 Request BT Operator
10-58 Direct Traffic
10-59 Escort
60 - 69
10-60 Suspicious Vehicle
10-61 Stopping Suspicious Vehicle
10-62 B and E in Progress
(Breaking & Entering)
10-63 Prepare to Receive an Assignment
10-64 Crime in Progress
10-65 Armed Robbery
10-66 Notify Medical Examiner
10-67 Report of Death
10-68 Livestock in Roadway
10-69 Advise Telephone Number
70 - 79
10-70 Improper Parked Vehicle
10-71 Improper Use of Radio
10-72 Prisoner in Custody
10-73 Mental Subject
10-74 Prison / Jail Break
10-75 Wanted or Stolen
10-76 Prowler
10-77 Direct Traffic at Fire Scene
80 - 106
10-80 Fire Alarm
10-81 Nature of Fire
10-82 Fire in Progress
10-83 Smoke Visible
10-84 No Smoke Visible
10-85 Respond without Blue Lights / Siren

10-100 Dead Body Found
10-101 What is Status? (Are you secure?)
10-106 Secure (Statue is secure)

Download print version (pdf).

Police 10 Codes


Police 10 Codes
APCO-0 Version
